Benefits of Cassava for Health and How to Process It
Besides rice, cassava is a staple food that is widely consumed by the people of Indonesia. Besides tasty, it turns out there are several benefits of cassava for health. To find out what these benefits are, let's consider the following review.
Cassava is a staple food for some of the world's population, especially those living in tropical regions, such as South America, Africa, and Asia.
In cassava, contains various nutrients which include:
- Carbohydrate.
- Protein.
- Fiber.
- Minerals, including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.
- Vitamins, namely vitamin C and vitamin A.
- Water.
What are the Benefits of Cassava for Health?
Because of its diverse nutritional content, cassava is considered to have health benefits, such as:Add energy
Cassava contains high calories. In 100 grams of cassava, there are 110-150 calories. The number of calories is higher than the calories in other types of tubers, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes. Therefore, you can get extra energy to carry out daily activities if you consume cassava.Is a source of fiber and complex carbohydrates
Apart from calories, cassava is also rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber. Both of these nutrients function to maintain digestive tract health, reduce inflammation, and control blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are controlled, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity will also be lower. Even so, the benefits of cassava in stabilizing blood sugar levels still need to be further investigated.Has a good antioxidant content
Other benefits of cassava can be obtained from the content of vitamin C, vitamin A, and beta-carotene in it. Vitamin C and vitamin A are antioxidants that function to protect the body from the effects of free radicals, prevent heart disease, to overcome wrinkles on the skin. While beta-carotene works to increase endurance, prevent recurrence of asthma symptoms, reduce the risk of cancer, and is good for skin and eye health. This nutritional intake can also prevent various eye diseases, such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In addition to the benefits above, cassava is also claimed to be used as an alternative medicine to overcome fatigue, diarrhea, infections, fertility problems, and induce labor. Nevertheless, the benefits of cassava as an alternative medicine has not been proven medically.Facts You Need to Know Before Eating Cassava
Although there are many health benefits for cassava, you need to consume them carefully. Here are some things you need to consider about this plant:- Cassava contains a chemical called cyanogen glycosides. These chemicals can release cyanide in the body. Therefore, cassava must be treated properly before eating to prevent cyanide poisoning.
- Eating too much cassava during pregnancy and breastfeeding is also not safe. Consumption of too much cassava during pregnancy is thought to increase the risk of babies experiencing birth defects and thyroid abnormalities.
- Cassava is known to reduce the amount of iodine absorbed by the body. Therefore, consuming too much cassava in large quantities has the potential to cause iodine deficiency.
- Eating cassava can reduce levels of thyroid hormone in the body. You should not consume cassava if you have thyroid disease or are undergoing thyroid hormone replacement therapy.
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